What to Wear to Jiu Jitsu class?

You might be in a challenge when just starting jiu jitsu. Even in a couple of challenges. And one of them is what to wear to Jiu Jitsu class. We all know this feeling of a new unknown environment that you need to join – people, habits, maybe some rules about how it’s all organized. Don’t worry, we will guide you through.

What to wear to BJJ?

The question of what to wear to BJJ is not a problem if you have a detailed guide with answers.

Follow to read the next chapters of this article to become an experienced BJJ practitioner before even starting to train.

What to wear to first jiu jitsu class?

If you have signed up for your very first jiu jitsu class in your life you have to prepare your gym bag before going, so you need to know what to put in there.

Even if you have a martial arts background from other disciplines like judo, karate, aikido, boxing, etc., you understand, that BJJ has its own specifics of uniform, gear, and equipment.

Mainly you need to know:

  1. What to wear to BJJ
  2. What to bring to a jiu-jitsu class

What to wear to BJJ

What is the name of the clothes you have to use in jiu-jitsu class? Well, first things first.

Brazilian jiu jitsu has two forms of training that require two different kinds of clothes to wear – gi and no gi.

Gi, or BJJ kimono, is the jiu jitsu uniform that is used mostly. The gi set consists of a jacket, pants, and belt.

No gi jiu jitsu (or nogi jiu jitsu) is the training without the gi, when you wear shorts and a rash guard. Often athletes wear also spats under the shorts.

Gi vs no gi training uniform

Gi vs no gi
Gi vs no gi uniform. Scramble shorts, rash guard, and spats no gi set and Tatami Fightwear black gi

All jiu jitsu schools have more gi classes on the week than no gi. Unless the jiu jitsu school has its own specifics and prefers mostly no gi, for instance, the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu academy by Eddie Bravo.

So, it’s expected that you come to your first BJJ class with a gi.

But in 99% of cases, the jiu jitsu beginner doesn’t have a gi. What is obvious, normal, and everyone understands it.

How much is a gi for jiu jitsu?

Even more, everyone in the gym understands, that you might buy the BJJ gi not immediately. Because it’s quite an expensive thing to buy all the needed jiu jitsu gear at once.

The BJJ gi prices start from about $50 for a budget gi and may reach $200 and more for a branded or custom gi.

Read our Top 5 Best BJJ Gi for Beginners list to simplify your search for your first best gi for jiu jitsu.

What to wear to Jiu Jitsu class if you don’t have a BJJ gi?

Here is what we recommend to wear when a person visits our jiu jitsu class for the first time.

What to wear for jiu jitsu if no gi available:

  • elastic or compression shirt without zippers and pockets
  • shorts without zippers and pockets

How should I dress for BJJ if it’s my first time?

As one says: “Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”

We have found great video instructions with a very detailed explanation of the previous question. The video is made by a BJJ blue belt. All the given advice and examples appeal to reality very well.

How to put on a gi jiu jitsu set?

Let’s say you have already bought a BJJ gi and have never done martial arts before, so the BJJ kimono uniform story is very new for you.

Obviously, you will search for help on how to wear a gi bjj kimono.

The good news is that there is nothing complicated, just unusual to wear the gi for jiu jitsu for the first time. You will need one time to learn the process of wearing the gi. And maybe a couple more times on how to tie BJJ belt. As praxis shows, some jiu jitsu practitioners don’t know how to tie a BJJ belt as it should be till the blue belt.

How to tie Jiu Jitsu pants is explained in a very detailed manner by Rener Gracie from the Gracie Jiu Jitsu University.

What do girls wear to Jiu-Jitsu?

A helpful and detailed guide has made Kimberly Kinch – a BJJ purple belt – on her YouTube channel about jiu jitsu on what she wears for jiu jitsu.

She mentions very important girls’ specific nuances related to the BJJ gear. For instance, how to choose spats for no gi and what to pay attention to especially (spoiler: the seen through but area) and how to avoid it.

Do I wear shoes to Jiu-Jitsu?

There is no jiu jitsu footwear.

On the BJJ mat or tatami, you will train with bare feet. But you need shoes (flip flops) to move around the mat, to the shower and locker room.

Pay attention not to walk with bare feet outside the mat. It’s very not hygienic, as later your foot can touch someone’s face while fighting.

Using a judo gi for jiu jitsu

It may happen that you transit from judo to Brazilian jiu jitsu or just decided to improve your judo techniques and moves by praxis in other martial arts.

In this case, using a judo gi for jiu jitsu classes is a great option. No need to buy a BJJ kimono. The judo gi has all the needed characteristics to fit the jiu jitsu training.

Used gi for jiu jitsu

Another situation that may occur, is you have somehow found a used gi for jiu jitsu, but you questioning if you can utilize it for your first jiu jitsu classes.

Don’t even doubt. Of course, you can. It’s even a good variant. You can train in it for some time and it will help you to understand how a gi should fit so you can buy the best first gi for yourself.

What to bring to jiu jitsu class?

What to wear to jiu jitsu class is the one part. And what to bring to jiu jitsu class is another important part of preparing not only for the first jiu jitsu class, but every time you visit your jiu jitsu school.

Let’s see what else should be in your BJJ backpack or sports bag so you can attend your training with comfort and all the needed stuff.

Personal hygiene items

  1. Deodorant. Spray or stick. But the stick in our opinion is more practical, last for longer, and doesn’t spray aggressively on others.

The best sport deodorant picks are Art of Sport, Pure Sport Old Spice deodorant, and Gillette sport deodorant.

2. Flip flops. You don’t need flip-flops to train, but to move through the gym

3. Towel. We recommend using microfiber towels for body. They are very compact and dry fast. Microfiber towels are popular for sports and outdoor activities.

How long is a BJJ class?

The duration of BJJ classes depends on each jiu jitsu school and BJJ coach. The average time a jiu jitsu class lasts is 1,5 hours. BJJ kids’ classes may take less time, depending on the kids’ age.

What to eat before BJJ class?

If your BJJ class takes place in the evening, give your body a break from food for about 1,5-2,5 hours before the training, depending on how “heavy” your meal was.

If you have morning classes, the most comfortable training will take place with a cup of tea or glass of water for the breakfast. Unless you have a metabolism of a superhero.

But you don’t have to starve before the training. Take a small snack, for instance, a banana, apple, or a protein bar.

The point is not to overload your body and stomach to avoid uncomfortable feelings or even vomit. Jiu jitsu is a very active sports class where you will sweat at the first 30 minutes of warm-ups. And the fighting session is even more physically exhausting.

What is the average cost of jiu jitsu classes?

The cost of jiu jitsu classes varies from about $50 to $200 and higher. It depends on how many times a week or month you will attend the classes. The average jiu jitsu class membership is about $150.

For instance, the Gracie Humaita jiu-jitsu schools prices vary from $150 to $250 per month.

Also, there are online courses with their own price gradation. The monthly cost for an online jiu-jitsu curriculum is from $20 to $99.

How often should I go to jiu jitsu?

Another good question that can come from a jiu jitsu beginner.

We have already answered this question here previously. So the long version you can read here – How Many Jiu Jitsu Classes a Week Should I Train?

The short answer will be 3 times a week to train jiu jitsu is an optimal variant. It’s an enough regular training schedule to gain good steady results and become an experienced BJJ athlete with step-by-step progress.

Training 2 times a week sounds also not bad and consistent. But, it’s very close to a critical minimum that can brake self-discipline. In other simple words – you can get lazy and at some point, you will find yourself in a mental struggle to force yourself to go to the training.

Sports need discipline. Sport is about regularity, discipline, and a lot and most about self-discipline. And jiu jitsu is also a sport. Yes, it’s often a hobby sport. Not all become or strive to be professional BJJ fighter. But as your yoga classes, gym days, and everyday jogging, BJJ needs your efforts, consistency, self-organization, and self-motivation.

Training 4-5 and more times a week is about a patinated jiu jitsu practitioner. Or a BJJ coach, or a pro athlete.

How much Jiu-Jitsu is too much?

It depends on the BJJ athlete’s level. For instance, for a BJJ white belt beginner 4-5 and more days a week of training can be too much. Unless he or she has transitioned from another martial art or has a sports background.

Otherwise, it brings to a so-called BJJ burnout. Burnout exists in all sports disciplines and not only in sports. So everyone understands what is it about and the consequences. Don’t lead yourself to burnout as it can force you to stop training.

How to avoid BJJ burnout?

The obvious answer is just to bring your training schedule and workout intensity to a balanced state with the physical capabilities of your body.

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