Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Belt Ranks Guide – From the Lowest to the Highest Belt in BJJ

Before jumping to the point, it’s worth mentioning that we are talking here about Brazilian jiu jitsu belt ranks and not the traditional Japanese jiu jitsu belts (jujutsu, jujitsu).

It’s never too much to mention the BJJ basics. Let’s answer the main and most common questions on the Brazilian jiu jitsu belt order.

Traditional jiu jitsu vs Brazilian jiu jitsu

What is the difference between Brazilian jiu jitsu and jiu jitsu belts? Japanese jiu jitsu belts ranking is a bit complicated system as there are many different styles and types of jiu jitsu with a variety of jujutsu schools. All of them may have their nuances.

But the jiu-jitsu belt colors in both – BJJ and jujutsu – are mainly the same. The main difference usually is the requirements for each belt and color order.

How many belts are in Jiu Jitsu?

The practitioner’s level of technical knowledge and experience determines his or her position on the progress line in BJJ which is designated through belt colors.

The belt system in BJJ consists of eight Brazilian jiu jitsu belt ranks. But very often you can hear the answer five, which is also okay to say. The thing is there are only a few people, who have achieved the last three highest ranks.

What are the belt orders in Jiu Jitsu?

The BJJ belt system is divided into the BJJ kid belt system and belts for adults ages 16 years and older.

Here is the BJJ belt progression timeline in colors from the very first – lowest – to the highest belt in BJJ:

  • white belt
  • blue belt
  • purple belt
  • brown belt
  • black belt
  • red and black belt (coral belt)
  • red and white belt (coral belt)
  • red belt

*If a belt is alternating red and black or red and white colors, such belts in BJJ are called coral.

Jiu jitsu belt ranks for adult BJJ athletes

BJJ belt progression timeline
The graduation poster for IBJJF rankings (International Brazilian jiu jitsu Federation); image capture from the official IBJJF Graduation System pdf

IBJJF graduation system for Brazilian jiu jitsu kids belts from 4 to 15 years old

A kid and teen in BJJ practice as well under a certain color belt:

  • white belt
  • grey and white
  • grey
  • grey and black
  • yellow and white
  • yellow
  • yellow and black
  • orange and white
  • orange
  • orange and black
  • green and white
  • green
  • green and black

Kids BJJ belt ranks system illustration

IBJJF graduation system for Brazilian jiu jitsu kids belts
The graduation poster for IBJJF Brazilian jiu jitsu rankings; image capture from the official IBJJF Graduation System pdf

How long does it take to get each belt in Jiu Jitsu?

Meanwhile, a white belt is the default step, the blue belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu is the first point that athletes strive to achieve.

Here are the main age requirements of the IBJJF graduation guidelines on how long does it take to rank up belts in Jiu Jitsu:

The graduation of athletes must meet the following minimum periods of permanence in each color:
Practitioners between 4 to 15 years old – No minimum period of stay in each belt.

In the year that the athlete turns 16 years of age, he or she must be placed in the adult belt system. He or she will be promoted to the new rank according to the belt he has:
White Belt – Remains in White Belt;
Grey Belt, Yellow Belt, Orange Belt – turns to Blue Belt;
Green Belt – turns Blue or Purple Belt according to professor’s decision.

Athletes between 16 and 17 years old
White belt – No minimum time
Blue belt – No minimum time
Purple belt – 2 (two) years

Athletes from 18 years old – White Belt to Brown Belt
White – no minimum time
Blue – 2 (two) years
Purple – 1 (one) year and a half
Brown – 1 (one) year

Athletes from the Black Belt *
Black – 31 years
Red and black – 7 years
White and red – 10 years
Red – undefined

*The periods mentioned in this topic are fixed, not
minimum and determine how long each practitioner
should remain in each belt

How many belts are in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
How many stripes on a jiu jitsu belt can be? Note: This is some fun stuff. (picture from internet)

What is the highest belt in jiu jitsu?

The highest jiu jitsu belt is red. The red belt BJJ rank is the most honorable and is tied to the achievement of merit and 67 years.

Red belts in BJJ

Red belts in BJJ and How many belts are in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
Practitioners with the red belt rank in Brazilian jiu jitsu; caption from Google Image

How many jiu-jitsu red belts are there?

There are about 55 jiu jitsu red belts in BJJ as of 2021. Depending on when you will be reading this article. According to Renzo and Royler Gracie, the red belt is reserved “for those whose influence and fame takes them to the pinnacle of the art”.

Check other BJJ news and articles about Brazilian jiu jitsu fighters and MMA athletes. For instance, Female Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Fights against White Belt.

P.S.: First thing to do before starting BJJ and learning jiujitsu is to type in Google “jiu jitsu near me” and let it be what it should be.

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