Who is Master Ken in real life? [Actor or Fighter?]
If you do any martial art, you know for sure Master Ken. But do you know who is Master Ken in real life?
Let’s find out who stands behind this character, does Master Ken have a black belt, can Master Ken actually fight, and some other facts.
Master Ken in real life
In case you have no clue who we are talking about, here is a short explanation.
Master Ken is not just an inspector and ‘sanitizer’ of McDojos (Fake Dojos), but is so severe that he critiques not only the Dojos, but any martial art style he comes across.
Where is Master Ken from and what is his real name? | Master Ken real name is Matt Page (Matthew Page). According to the IMDB biography page, he was born in Turner, Maine, but another source mentions New Mexico. Matt Page is an actor, writer, and producer. He became popular with his project Enter The Dojo where he acts as the main character – Master Ken. |
Social media | Master Ken Enter The Dojo YouTube channel has over 850K subscribers. Master Ken Instagram instagram.com/masterameriken. |
How old is master ken? | According to the information on the Internet, Matt Page was born on January 31, 1978 (45 years in 2023). His height is 6’1 (1.80 m). |
Where was Enter the Dojo filmed? | Matt Page lives and works in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s also the place where the Enter the Dojo episodes are being created. More specifically, in the ABQ Karate dojo of Joe Conway. |
Who is Todd from Master Ken? | Todd Woodland, the blue belt assistant in the Enter the Dojo series, is in real life Joe Conway. He is a Kenpo black belt who owns the ABQ Karate dojo, where the episodes are filmed. |
Ameri Do Te Master Ken’s martial art style
Ameri-Do-Te is the combat style created by Master Ken.
What is Ameridote from his own words:
Most civilians think the word “karate” represents all martial arts. I believe that one day, my style of Ameri-Do-Te will replace all fighting systems […]. America has a great history of taking things created by other countries and improving them. Like Italian food. So I took the word “karate-do” and Americanized it to “Ameri-Do-Te.”
Also, having a martial art that begins with the letter “A” makes us first in the phone book.
Black Belt Magazine interview
What rank is Master Ken?
Is Master Ken a real black belt?
Master Ken is a fictional character who has a fake 11th degree black belt in AmeriDoTe martial art. But Matt Page has a real black belt degree in Kenpo since 1996.
Is Master Ken a real martial artist?
Technically, yes, as under the cover of Master Ken hides a real Kenpo black belt Matt Page. He also practiced or is practicing other martial arts, for instance, BJJ, aikido, krav maga, etc.
Best of Master Ken
Here is a pick of the popular episodes by Master Ken.
First things first.
Here is the very first episode of Enter the Dojo on YouTube dated 2011:
Master Ken vs Pastor Tony aka Anthony Tesoro
Pastor Tony and his wife Katarina Ashley Tesoro are showing some martial arts techniques for self-defense. Of course, Master Ken Ameri-Do-Te style also appears in this instructional video.
Master Ken vs Pastor Tony, Part 2
Floor fighting with Master Ken
Master Ken and Todd show their amazing Floor Fighting.
100 or 101 ways to attack the groin Master Ken tutorial
Master Ken Wheelchair Defense
Master Ken and Jocko Willink
Matt Page has practice in Brazilian jiu jitsu, so he knows the people in BJJ, like Jocko Willink and Dean Lister.
Master Ken vs Dean Lister
Master Ken vs. Danaher Death Squad
No need to present these BJJ names from the next episode: Master Ken, Craig Jones, John Danaher, and Garry Tonon.
Master Ken vs Scorpion
The Will Smith slap defense Master Ken instructional
Master Ken unmasks the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu techniques
Master Ken is a big martial arts exposer. As with any other martial art discipline, the 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu academy didn’t escape his sharp eye.
The Master visited 10th Planet in Las Vegas and asked Coach Casey to show what they have to show.
The 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu is under the careful supervision of Master Ken for many years already.
Master Ken Rash Guard
Matt Page aka Master Ken interview
A big 1,45 hours interview on the CarryTrainer podcast with the man behind the Master Ken character – Matt Page.
Page shares his story and thoughts on martial arts, Master Ken production, and the road of travel to success and achievement.
Is Master Ken in the Paper Tigers movie?
Yes, Matt Page acts in “The Paper Tigers”. It’s a comedy movie released in 2020. Obviously, the movie is about martial arts where Matt Page plays a usual character for him – a master of martial arts.
Is Master Ken in Sicario movie?
Yes and no. It’s not Master Ken but Matt Page starring in the movie Sicario.