Starting Jiu Jitsu At 30 – Yes Or No?

If you’ve hit the ripe age of 30 and find yourself intrigued by the world of martial arts, particularly the captivating art of Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), you might be asking yourself, “Is starting jiu jitsu at 30 a crazy idea or an amazing adventure?”.

Well, you’re in the right place because we’re about to dive into this thrilling journey of self-discovery and physical challenge. Whether you’re pondering the impact on your mental toughness, concerned about sore knees, or simply wondering if it’s ever too late to roll on the mat, we’ve got you covered. Let’s lace up our metaphorical gi and explore the world of jiu jitsu at 30!

Is 30 too old to start BJJ?

Absolutely not!

While it’s natural to have reservations about taking up a physically demanding activity in your 30s, Brazilian jiu jitsu welcomes practitioners of all ages and fitness levels. BJJ isn’t just about brute strength; it’s a cerebral dance of strategy and technique. Many individuals have found their true passion for the art well into their 30s and beyond.

Age is just a number, and your journey in BJJ is a personal one that doesn’t come with an expiration date.

Is 35 too old to start BJJ?

No way! Think of BJJ as a playground for your mind and body.

While it’s true that starting at a younger age might give you a slight physical advantage, the mental aspects of the sport are where the real magic happens. As you master the intricate techniques and strategies, you’ll find that your age becomes an afterthought.

Some of the most successful BJJ practitioners started in their 30s and 40s, proving that it’s never too late to embrace the art and become a master of your own destiny.

How many days a week should a beginner do Jiu Jitsu?

Ah, the golden question for any novice grappler.

The answer isn’t set in stone, as it varies based on your personal goals, schedule, and physical capabilities.

Generally, starting with two to three times a week allows you to ease into the sport without overwhelming your body. This frequency strikes a balance between consistent practice and giving your muscles time to recover. As you progress and adapt to the demands of BJJ, you can gradually increase your training days.

What age do you peak in BJJ? Reddit and forums opinions

If you’ve ever ventured into the labyrinth of internet forums and Reddit threads, you’ll find a multitude of opinions on the ideal age to peak in BJJ. Some say it’s the late 25s, while others argue that the 30s and even 40s are prime time for honing your skills.

Here are some main points shared on Reddit and forums by BJJ practitioners:

Starting AgeKey Points
Twenties/30sStarted in twenties, picked up again in thirties. Encourages starting and training.
38Started at 38, advises choosing training partners wisely, learning from rough patches, and enjoying the journey.
30sMany in their 40s train, knee injury recovery important.
30sCaution against overtraining and injuries after 30.
33Started at 33, emphasizes pushing oneself while distinguishing between discomfort and pain.
30No worries about starting at 30, many competitions have divisions for older practitioners.
35Started BJJ at 35 after ACL surgery, feels fine and advises not letting ego get the better of you.
30sAdvises training smart, avoiding unnecessary risks, tapping early, and being selective with training partners.
30sHumorous description of BJJ’s challenges and rewards.
31Started at 31 with a knee issue, uses a support bandage, loves BJJ, and encourages not being deterred by age.
22/30Started at 22, had injuries, emphasizes proper handling of injuries and recovery.
31Started at 31, advises tapping early to protect oneself, pushing hard in training, and working towards fitness.
45Started at 45, won competitions, encourages starting BJJ at any age.
32Started at 32, highlights importance of nutrition, hydration, and sleep for performance.
39Started at 39, experienced significant weight loss, transformed his life, encourages starting at any age.
41Started at 41, uses strategy and technique to balance age-related differences, intends to continue as long as possible.

The overall consensus is that starting BJJ in your 30s is not too old and can lead to positive physical and mental changes. While injuries can be a concern, proper training, technique, and mindset are crucial for a successful and fulfilling BJJ journey regardless of age.

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Your peak in BJJ is influenced by various factors, including your dedication, natural aptitude, and how well you take care of your body.

So, whether you’re a sprightly 30 or a seasoned 40, your journey to the top is uniquely yours.

Does BJJ make you mentally tougher?

Absolutely. BJJ isn’t just a physical challenge; it’s a mental chess game that teaches you to think strategically, adapt to changing situations, and stay calm under pressure.

As you navigate through grueling training sessions and challenging opponents, you’ll inevitably develop a newfound mental resilience that extends far beyond the mat. The ability to persevere through adversity is a priceless gift that BJJ bestows upon its practitioners, regardless of age.

Does BJJ build muscle?

In the pursuit of that coveted sculpted physique, many wonder if BJJ is an effective muscle-building activity. While it’s not the primary focus of BJJ, the sport certainly engages a variety of muscle groups.

The intense grappling and ground-fighting movements target muscles in your core, back, arms, and legs. Over time, consistent practice can lead to increased muscle tone and strength.

However, for optimal muscle growth, it’s wise to complement your BJJ training with a balanced strength-training routine.

Is BJJ hard on your knees?

As with any physically demanding activity, there’s a certain level of impact on your body. BJJ does involve a fair share of kneeling, pivoting, and quick direction changes, which can put stress on your knees.

However, with proper technique and regular conditioning, you can minimize the risk of knee injuries. Stretching, warming up, and paying attention to your body’s signals are essential practices to protect your knees and ensure a long-lasting jiu jitsu journey.

Will I always be sore after BJJ?

Ah, the sweet embrace of post-training soreness – a badge of honor for BJJ practitioners everywhere. Starting jiu jitsu at 30 doesn’t exempt you from this delightful experience, but it’s a sign that your body is adapting and becoming stronger.

As you progress and your body adjusts to the demands of training, the intensity of soreness may decrease. Adequate rest, hydration, and proper nutrition are your allies in combating the post-training ache.


Will BJJ change your life?

Without a doubt. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has the remarkable ability to transform not only your physical capabilities but also your mindset and outlook on life. The discipline, focus, and camaraderie cultivated on the mat often extend beyond training sessions, positively influencing various aspects of your daily life.

Do people quit BJJ?

Yes, some people do decide to step away from BJJ for various reasons. It’s a demanding sport that requires dedication and perseverance. However, those who embrace the journey and overcome the challenges find immense satisfaction and personal growth.

How many days of BJJ is too much?

While pushing yourself is admirable, overtraining can lead to burnout and potential injuries. Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs. As a beginner, starting with two to three days a week is a balanced approach. Over time, you can gradually increase your training frequency, making sure to incorporate rest days to allow for recovery.


Starting jiu jitsu at 30 is not only feasible but also incredibly rewarding. Age is merely a number, and your journey in the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a testament to your determination, grit, and willingness to embrace new challenges.

So, whether you’re stepping onto the mat for the first time or embarking on a fresh chapter in your martial arts journey, remember that it’s never too late to roll, grapple, and evolve – both on and off the mat.

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