How To Track Jiu Jitsu Training? [Tips and Apps]

If you’re passionate about Jiu Jitsu, you understand that it’s more than just a sport; it’s a way of life. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting your journey, one essential aspect of your training is tracking your progress. This is where a Jiu Jitsu tracker becomes your best friend.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various aspects of tracking your Jiu Jitsu training, including the importance of it, key metrics to monitor, and the tools and apps that can make the process more convenient. So, let’s dive right in!

How Do You Retain Information in BJJ?

Before we delve into tracking your Jiu Jitsu training, it’s crucial to address how you can effectively retain the vast amount of information that comes with this martial art.

Jiu Jitsu is known for its complex techniques and intricate moves. Here are some tips to help you remember and apply what you learn:

  1. Take Detailed Notes: During your classes, seminars, or personal practice, take notes. Write down the steps of each technique, key points, and any insights your instructor provides.
  2. Visualize: Visualization is a powerful tool. Close your eyes and mentally rehearse the moves. This can help you memorize sequences and transitions more effectively.
  3. Practice Regularly: Repetition is key. The more you practice a move, the more likely you are to remember it during a sparring session.
  4. Teach Others: Teaching a technique to a training partner can solidify your understanding. When you explain it to someone else, you reinforce your own knowledge.

How to Memorize Jiu Jitsu Moves?

Memorizing Jiu Jitsu moves can be challenging, especially when you’re learning a variety of techniques.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you remember them:

  1. Break It Down: Divide complex moves into smaller segments. Focus on mastering each segment before attempting the full technique.
  2. Use Mnemonics: Create mnemonic devices or memorable phrases to associate with each move. These mental cues can make it easier to recall the steps.
  3. Visual Aids: Watch instructional videos or study images of the techniques you’re learning. Seeing the move performed can reinforce your memory.
  4. Practice with a Partner: Training with a partner allows you to practice the moves in a controlled environment. You can take turns performing and critiquing each other.

What Are the Key Metrics to Track in Jiu-Jitsu Training?

Tracking your Jiu Jitsu training involves more than just counting the number of hours you spend on the mat. To gauge your progress effectively, consider these key metrics:

  • 1. Rolling Time: Keep track of the total time you spend sparring during each training session. This can help you understand your endurance and pacing.
  • 2. Submissions: Note the number of successful submissions during sparring. Tracking your submission rate can highlight your strengths and weaknesses.
  • 3. Guard Passes and Sweeps: These metrics indicate your ability to control and dominate your opponent. Track how often you successfully pass your opponent’s guard or execute sweeps.
  • 4. Escape Rate: Measure how frequently you escape from unfavorable positions. A high escape rate signifies solid defensive skills.
  • 5. Competitions and Achievements: Record your participation in competitions and any achievements or belt promotions. This reflects your overall progress in the sport.
  • 6. Any other personal custom key metrics to track.
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What Are the Benefits of Tracking Jiu-Jitsu Training Progress?

Tracking your Jiu Jitsu training progress offers numerous advantages:

  1. Motivation: Seeing your improvements over time can be incredibly motivating. It encourages you to set and achieve new goals.
  2. Identify Weaknesses: By analyzing your tracked data, you can identify areas where you need to improve and tailor your training accordingly.
  3. Optimal Training: Tracking helps you optimize your training regimen. You can adjust your focus based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Record of Achievements: It serves as a personal record of your Jiu Jitsu journey, allowing you to reminisce about your accomplishments.

How to Track Jiu Jitsu Training for Beginners

As a beginner, it’s essential to establish good tracking habits from the start. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start a Training Journal: Begin by maintaining a physical or digital training journal. Note the date, training duration, techniques practiced, and any personal observations.
  2. Use Video Recording: Record your sparring sessions or technique drills. Reviewing these videos can provide valuable insights into your progress.
  3. Set Achievable Goals: Establish short-term and long-term goals. Regularly assess your progress towards these goals.
  4. Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask your instructors and training partners for feedback. They can provide valuable insights into your development.

How Do I Track My Progress in Jiu Jitsu?

Tracking your progress in Jiu Jitsu can be done in various ways:

  1. Training Journal: Maintain a detailed journal where you record your training sessions, techniques practiced, and any challenges you encountered.
  2. Performance Metrics: Keep track of key metrics such as submission success, rolling time, and competition results.
  3. Video Analysis: Record your sparring sessions and review them to identify areas for improvement.
  4. Mindset and Confidence: Note your mental state during training and competition. Confidence and mindset play a significant role in Jiu Jitsu success.

How Often Should I Update My Jiu-Jitsu Training Log?

Consistency is key when it comes to updating your Jiu Jitsu training log. Ideally, you should update it after every training session. Here’s a simple routine:

  1. Immediately After Training: Take a few minutes to jot down the key details of your session while they’re fresh in your mind.
  2. Weekly Review: Once a week, review your training journal. Reflect on your progress and set new goals for the upcoming week.

How to Track Jiu Jitsu Training Reddit Advice

Reddit and other martial arts talking boards can be a valuable resource for Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts looking for advice on tracking their training progress. Here are some tips shared by fellow practitioners:

MethodKey Points
Active usage, spar movesRemember techniques by actively using and drilling them. Spar specific moves to reinforce learning.
Marune appSuggests using the Marune app for tracking training, including a library of moves and session logs.
Spreadsheets, mindmaps/flowchartsUses spreadsheets and mind maps/flowcharts to organize Jiu Jitsu techniques and positions.
Mind maps, non-linear hierarchyOrganizes techniques with mind maps and non-linear hierarchies, focusing on positions and details.
Spreadsheet/database, journalingKeeps a detailed spreadsheet/database and emphasizes journaling for a more focused and personal approach.
Journaling, notes on positionsUses journaling to write down positions and techniques learned in class.
Word file, reviewMaintains a Word file with techniques learned and reviews it periodically.
Journaling, Word fileJournals techniques and uses a Word file to document positions and moves.
Heart rate monitor during trainingDiscusses using a heart rate monitor during Jiu Jitsu training for tracking physical activity.
Garmin HRM Pro+, Polar H10Recommends Garmin HRM Pro+ or Polar H10 heart rate monitors for tracking physical activity during training.
Try heart rate monitorsSuggests trying heart rate monitors that start recording when worn, suitable for downloading later.
HRM Pro under rash guardWears HRM Pro under a tight rash guard for tracking heart rate during Gi and no Gi Jiu Jitsu sessions.
Main Points in Comment
Discussed using a Whoop tracker, found it effective with the right sleeve placement.
Mentioned that trackers work best during drilling and flow rolling.
Discussed the limitations of trackers during intense training (porrada).
Shared the use of an Apple Watch with an armband for tracking.
Questioned the significance of tracking everything in Jiu Jitsu.
Highlighted the idea of listening to your body for training needs.
Shared experiences with medically safe trackers and their issues.
Discussed the experience of not using a tracker for better results.
Expressed different approaches to tracking progress, including mental notes, competition, or not tracking at all.

  1. Use Digital Tools: Many Reddit users recommend using smartphone apps designed for Jiu Jitsu tracking. These apps often come with features like performance analytics and goal setting.
  2. Stay Consistent: Redditors emphasize the importance of consistency in tracking. Whether you choose a physical journal or a digital app, make it a routine.
  3. Share Your Progress: Some users find motivation in sharing their progress on Reddit. It’s a supportive community that can offer encouragement and constructive feedback.

Are There Any Specialized Jiu-Jitsu Training Apps or Software?

Yes, there are several specialized Jiu-Jitsu training apps and software available. These tools are designed to make tracking your training more convenient and efficient. Here are a few popular options:

Best BJJ Tracker Apps – Reddit Advice

App NameDescription
MaruneAn app for tracking training sessions, techniques, and mat time, with a social aspect.
Grapple NinjaHandles training data and can be customized, hosted on Azure’s Cloud, and allows data export.
Mattime.ioA tool for tracking training hours and techniques learned.
BJJ BuddyA free training log app for BJJ.
BJJ LogbookAvailable on Apple Store, helps log training data and techniques.
BJJ TrackerA web app for tracking BJJ training data.
BJJ SystemsA spreadsheet-based system for tracking and visualizing training data.
StravaOriginally for cycling and running but mentioned for tracking BJJ training.
JEFITPrimarily a gym app, not specific to BJJ.
Combat AcademyGeared towards martial arts and offers features for tracking training sessions.

How to Make a Journal for BJJ

Creating a journal for your Jiu Jitsu training is simple and can be highly effective. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose Your Format: Decide whether you prefer a physical journal or a digital one. Both have their advantages, so choose the one that suits you best.
  2. Record Training Sessions: After each training session, record the date, duration, and any specific techniques or drills you worked on.
  3. Set Goals: Write down your short-term and long-term goals. Include details about what you want to achieve and a timeline for accomplishing them.
  4. Reflect and Analyze: Periodically review your journal to reflect on your progress. Take note of areas where you’ve improved and where you need more work.

On the market, you can choose between two options – a ready-to-ship physical BJJ journal and a digital product, which you can buy and use online or print in any size and anywhere you want.

bjj journal

Online jiu jitsu progress tracker on Etsy

What Should I Include in My Jiu-Jitsu Training Journal?

Your Jiu Jitsu training journal should be a comprehensive record of your journey. Here’s what you should include:

  • Date and Time of Training Sessions: Always note when you trained.
  • Techniques Practiced: List the techniques and drills you focused on during each session.
  • Sparring Outcomes: Record the results of your sparring sessions, including submissions, guard passes, and sweeps.
  • Goals and Progress: Keep track of your goals and how you’re progressing towards them.
  • Personal Reflections: Include any personal insights or thoughts about your training, mindset, and experiences.

How Do You Track Your Heart Rate in BJJ?

Tracking your heart rate during Jiu Jitsu training can provide valuable insights into your cardiovascular fitness and exertion levels. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Wearable Fitness Trackers: Many fitness trackers and smartwatches come with heart rate monitoring capabilities. Wear one during your training to keep tabs on your heart rate.
  2. Chest Strap Monitors: Some Jiu Jitsu practitioners opt for chest strap heart rate monitors. These devices provide highly accurate readings and are often used by athletes.
  3. Perceived Exertion: You can also estimate your heart rate based on perceived exertion. This method involves assessing how hard you feel your heart is working during training.
  4. Post-Training Analysis: After your session, check your heart rate data and analyze it in conjunction with your training performance. This can help you fine-tune your training intensity.

Heart Rate Monitor BJJ Reddit Advice

PolarMentioned by multiple users, worn on the inner bicep or forearm, known for accuracy and convenience in BJJ training.
WhoopUsed by several users, available in different forms like arm sleeves, compression shorts, and wristbands, but with mixed reviews regarding HR tracking.
Polar H10A chest strap and HR monitor used by some users in the gym, known for reliability and accuracy.
Garmin HRM ProMentioned as an option by one user, known for being comfortable to wear and providing accurate heart rate measurements.
MyzoneMentioned as a chest strap HR monitor by one user, with a focus on tracking workout intensity and heart rate zones.
FitbitMentioned as a wearable option by one user, which can be worn during BJJ training.
Athlytic App (Apple Watch)An alternative to Whoop, used by one user, for tracking heart rate and fitness metrics with an Apple Watch, with the ability to track various data during workouts.
Verity Sense (Polar)Mentioned for being worn on the upper arm without interference during BJJ training.
Myzone Chest StrapMentioned as an option that stays on well for tracking HR during training.


How Many Hours a Day Should I Train Jiu Jitsu?

The ideal training duration varies from person to person. It’s essential to strike a balance between consistency and avoiding burnout. For beginners, 2-3 hours per day, 3-4 days a week, is a good starting point. As you progress, you can adjust your training schedule to suit your goals and recovery needs.

Can You Progress in BJJ Without Competing?

Yes, you can absolutely progress in Jiu Jitsu without competing. Competition is one way to challenge yourself and measure your skills, but it’s not the only path to improvement. Many practitioners focus on training for self-improvement, fitness, and personal growth without ever entering a competition.

How Do You Gain Confidence in Jiu-Jitsu?

Confidence in Jiu Jitsu comes with time and experience. Here are some tips to help you build confidence:

  • Consistent Training: The more you train, the more confident you’ll become in your abilities.
  • Set Achievable Goals: Setting and achieving small goals can boost your confidence gradually.
  • Mental Toughness: Develop mental toughness by staying calm under pressure and learning from losses.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask your instructors and training partners for feedback and constructive criticism.

Additional Tips for Advanced Jiu Jitsu Tracking

As you advance in your Jiu Jitsu journey, your tracking needs may become more specific and nuanced. Here are some additional tips to consider:

6. Positional Drilling: Track the specific positions you focus on during drilling sessions. This can help you gauge your proficiency in various aspects of the sport, such as guard play or top control.

7. Training Partners: Keep a record of the training partners you roll with. This can help you identify patterns in your performance against different opponents and adapt your strategies accordingly.

8. Competition Analysis: If you compete regularly, create a separate section in your journal for competition analysis. Document your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as your own performance and areas for improvement.

9. Diet and Recovery: Consider tracking your diet and recovery strategies. Nutritional choices and proper recovery play a significant role in your overall performance.

The Importance of Periodization

Periodization is a systematic approach to training that involves dividing your training into specific phases, each with its own goals and focus. Incorporating periodization into your Jiu Jitsu tracking can be highly beneficial. Here’s how it works:

  1. Foundation Phase: Focus on building a strong foundation of techniques and fitness.
  2. Strength and Conditioning Phase: Prioritize strength and conditioning to enhance your physical attributes.
  3. Technique Refinement Phase: Fine-tune your techniques and transitions.
  4. Competition Preparation Phase: Prepare specifically for upcoming competitions, if applicable.

By incorporating periodization into your training and tracking, you can ensure that your progress is well-structured and tailored to your goals.

Setting SMART Goals

Effective goal setting is a crucial aspect of Jiu Jitsu tracking. To make your goals more actionable and achievable, consider using the SMART criteria:

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. For example, “I want to improve my guard passing.”
  • Measurable: Determine how you will measure your progress. You might track the number of successful guard passes in sparring.
  • Achievable: Ensure that your goal is realistic and attainable within your current skill level and timeframe.
  • Relevant: Your goal should align with your overall objectives in Jiu Jitsu, whether that’s becoming a black belt or mastering a specific set of techniques.
  • Time-Bound: Set a deadline for achieving your goal. For example, “I want to improve my guard passing by 20% within six months.”

The Role of Mindset in Jiu Jitsu

Tracking your physical progress is essential, but don’t underestimate the power of mindset in Jiu Jitsu. Your mental approach can significantly impact your performance and enjoyment of the sport. Here are some mindset-related aspects to consider tracking:

  • Confidence Levels: Keep a record of your confidence levels before and after training sessions or competitions. Reflect on what boosts or diminishes your confidence.
  • Mental Resilience: Note how you handle setbacks, losses, and tough training sessions. Developing mental resilience is a critical aspect of growth in Jiu Jitsu.
  • Mindfulness and Focus: Track your ability to stay present and focused during training and competition. Mindfulness can enhance your performance and reduce anxiety.
  • Emotional Responses: Pay attention to your emotional responses during Jiu Jitsu. Are you prone to frustration, anger, or anxiety? Identifying these emotions can help you work on managing them effectively.

The Value of Cross-Training

Cross-training in related disciplines can complement your Jiu Jitsu training and provide a broader perspective on martial arts. Consider tracking your cross-training activities and their impact on your Jiu Jitsu skills. Disciplines such as wrestling, judo, or yoga can enhance your overall athleticism and technique.

Balancing Training and Recovery

Overtraining can lead to burnout and injuries, so it’s essential to balance your training with adequate recovery. Track your recovery strategies, such as rest days, stretching routines, and massage therapy. Listen to your body, and don’t hesitate to adjust your training schedule when needed to ensure long-term sustainability in the sport.

The Evolution of Your Jiu Jitsu Journey

Your Jiu Jitsu journey is a continuous evolution. Embrace the ups and downs, and remember that tracking your progress is not just about reaching a destination but enjoying the journey itself. As you accumulate more data in your training journal or app, you’ll gain valuable insights into your growth as a martial artist.


Tracking your Jiu Jitsu training is a multifaceted process that encompasses physical, mental, and strategic aspects of the sport. Whether you’re a beginner looking to establish good tracking habits or an advanced practitioner fine-tuning your approach, the key is to stay committed to self-improvement.

Your Jiu Jitsu tracker, whether it’s a physical journal or a digital app, becomes your training companion, helping you navigate the intricacies of this martial art. By monitoring your progress, setting SMART goals, nurturing the right mindset, and incorporating periodization and cross-training, you can unlock your full potential in Jiu Jitsu.

So, embrace the journey, track your progress diligently, and remember that every step on the mat brings you closer to mastery in the art of Jiu Jitsu.

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