10 Best Martial Arts Quotes for Inspiration
We have already mentioned here the culture of Jiu Jitsu quotes. But only partially. Because there is nothing more to say. That’s why today we expand the topic with the best martial arts quotes.
If you are a jiu jitsu lover and Jocko Willink fan, you will definitely enjoy reading Jocko Willink quotes and his talking on Jiu Jitsu motivation.
Let’s create here a mini version of Pinterest with martial arts and sports quotes.
The martial arts wisdom quotes
One can say the quotes or sayings, in general, are separated from the chaff seeds.
If someone succeeded to express the point of a chapter worth explaining in a sentence or in a couple of words, he tells a pearl of wisdom.
The most of martial arts quote that you will find are about motivation and inspiration.
That is no wonder. Martial arts today is a sport. And regular sport is hard work and is a lot about self-discipline. Why don’t to find support for inspiration and passion for what you do in words?
The American professional basketball player Stephen Curry once gave a great definition of what is basketball.
Basketball isn’t just a sport. It is an art, one that must be mastered to succeed.
Stephen Curry

Replace “basketball” with any sports or martial art discipline and it will remain the same truth. Because it’s about passion and the way how you feel yourself in the process of mastering your work of passion.
Martial arts motivational quotes
An interesting fact about the quotes is that they have two sides of one coin. On one side they work motivational, on the other, they are a way of expressing feelings and thoughts.
But both results to bring some more peace into a human being’s life.
So here are some quotes on how martial arts can make you happy, or at least make you peacefully smile.
We made this collection of sayings and complemented it with the best martial arts quotes images so you can share them further.
#1 “A black belt is a white belt that never gave up”.

#2 “Even though surrounded by several enemies set to attack, fight with the thought that they are but one.” Morihei Ueshiba

#3 “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” Bruce Lee

Miyamoto Musashi quotes
A couple of quotes about martial arts by Miyamoto Musashi should be on this list.
#4 “In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm.”
#5 “Control your anger. If you hold anger toward others, they have control over you. Your opponent can dominate and defeat you if you allow him to get you irritated.”
What is Kung Fu quote?
Oh, yes, let’s talk about it.
The Kung Fu quotes sayings are a quite big topic. And it’s one of the most favorite topics, especially among those, who were born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
You know what I mean if you are this old.

The wisdom of kung fu quote comes to us from the time when Eastern martial arts were at their peak in Western countries. Actually worldwide.
Yes, kung fu is much older than TV. But be honest, would we know about kung fu without the TV and movies?
The kung fu movies and martial art era.
And of course and forever of ages the biggest kung fu hero is and will be Bruce Lee.
What is Bruce Lee’s famous quote?
The Bruce Lee water quote is obviously the most popular.
The Bruce Lee water quote explained
When he says “Be water my friend”, he means to become formless in body and mind. In more simple words – to be flexible.
#6 “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.
If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.
Now, water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.”
Bruce Lee

Taekwondo sayings
The taekwondo combat discipline has its historical path in the martial arts world and has what to share also. Let’s see, what taekwondo motivational quotes we can find.
There is a taekwondo book “Taekwondo: A Path to Excellence”. There you will find these taekwondo captions by the author:
#7 “Just as a stool requires three legs to stand upright so the taekwondoist must cultivate basic skills, meaningful forms, and effective sparring in order to have both feet firmly planted in the art.”
And more to taekwondo quotes:
#8 “The most difficult part of traditional taekwondo is not learning the first kick or punch. […] Rather, it is taking the first step across the threshold of the dojang door. This is where roads diverge, where choices are made that will resonate throughout a lifetime.”

Funny taekwondo quotes on t shirts
We couldn’t pass over the popular funny t-shirts slogans trend, that is present in every sports and combat discipline. There are so many funny taekwondo shirts. We made only a small pick.
And a short pick of more taekwondo related t shirts:

Jason David Frank quotes
Celebrities are another source of quotes and wisdom. Even about martial arts, because a lot of famous people have this sports background.
A lot know Jason David Frank as an actor, but not all know his other passion – martial arts. He is an MMA martial artist.
He has a bunch of belt degrees in different combat sports.
Jason David Frank martial arts degrees:
- Wado-ryu Karate and Shotokan Karate black belt
- Taekwondo black belt
- Judo black belt
- Brazilian jiu jitsu purple pelt
- Ajarn Degree in Muay Thai
Jason David Frank MMA record: 1-0
No wonder we can hear in the martial artists’ world some of his martial arts sayings.
#9 I have always been a martial arts fighter; it goes to back when I was eighteen. I was competing on the circuit, but when you’re performing, you tend to pull punches because you don’t want to hurt anyone.
Jason David Frank

Mixed martial arts quotes
Conor McGregor quotes
The MMA fighter Conor McGregor remains the most popular and most-paid MMA fighter today.
#10 Timing beats speed.

Are martial arts spiritual?
In modern life, there are fewer and fewer esoteric and spiritual stories to hear about the martial arts helo. Martial arts became more down-to-earth in the past years, which makes them open to more people.
Does it mean that martial arts have nothing spiritual?
It depends on what it means for each person. So we let it on the individual opinion.
Bonus chapter
The martial arts world, and not only the famous quotes, are very attractive to people over centuries already.
So, no wonder some people integrate martial arts even into music.
On the internet, people are interested in rap groups consistently sampled lines and quotes from martial arts movies.
The answer is revealed.
The name of the band is Wu-Tang Clan. It’s an American hip-hop group in New York City.
In the next video rapper, RZA guides us through the history of where they got their samples from.
Spoiler: You will fall into old kung fu movies nostalgia – “Shaolin and Wutang”, “Master of the Flying Guillotine”, “Enter the Dragon”, “Executioners from Shaolin”, etc.