4 Best Waterproof Cast Cover [for Swimming, Shower]
Let’s find out today what is the best waterproof cast cover. Because martial artists are that category of people in the entire world who need to know this information. Luckily, not every fighter will need a cast cover for arm or leg in his or her life.
But the fact is, that generally martial arts – MMA, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, etc. – are the activities where a fractures or meniscus tear is a subject of real statistics.
Like any other professional or regular sports.
Anyway, it is proven that jiu jitsu injury statistics are way less than in other martial art disciplines. We have already talked about it in our posts Best Martial Art for Someone with Bad Knees and Is Learning Jiu Jitsu Dangerous?.
So, you are relatively safe if you train jiu jitsu.
How to cover cast for shower?
But if an unpleasant injury happened to you and you have to wear a cast or a splint, you will definitely face this domestic situation when you need to take a shower. Of course, only after the doctor has allowed you to do it.
But what to do with the cast? Because you can’t get it wet.
Good if you know about the existence of ready-made solutions on the market and the only question you have to worry about is “Where can I buy a waterproof cast cover?”.
But what if you don’t know or don’t want to spend money on such a simple DIY solution? What can you put on a cast to make it waterproof?
Let’s find out what homemade cast covers variants are there.
But first, one needs to know what does a cast consist of to understand the mechanics and what DIY materials should be used.
What material makes a cast?
The main task of the cast is to keep the injured limbs immobilized for a long period of time – about 4-12 weeks. To withstand such a long-term load the material should be very sturdy.
The most used materials to make a cast are plaster (plaster of paris cast) and fiberglass.
Plaster casts are the traditional variant and are heavier compared to fiberglass casts. Another advantage of fiberglass is its porous and more durable specifics. Also, fiberglass is waterproof. But often a fiberglass cast can be wrapped over a non-waterproof material that can get wet.
A plaster cast is non-waterproof. If it gets wet it can break down.

Fiberglass casts are used today in most cases.
You may ask why you need to cover fiberglass if it is waterproof.
The reason is the cast liners which are often cotton and get wet. The cotton liner protects the skin from damage.
The doctor can also apply a waterproof cast padding liner which will allow you to take a shower or even swim without worrying to destroy the cast. To be sure it is your case, the doctor will instruct you.
But in most cases, a fiberglass cast with cotton padding is applied.
The reasons which cast the patient gets depend on the cost, available materials, or the doctor’s decision.
Let’s move forward to find ways how to cover a cast for swimming, showering, or rain.
How to make a waterproof cast cover at home?
1. What can I use to cover my cast in the shower?
The homemade solution to make an arm cast protector is pretty easy.
You will need:
- plastic wrap
- medical tape
- heavy trash bag

If you have made an arm cast protector to take a shower or bath, don’t forget about safety measurements. Remember that you have only one working hand because the other one is covered.
How to make a waterproof cast cover for your arm
The even more simple way is to use a durable plastic bag and duct tape in case you don’t spend too much time in the shower. This is the easiest but less secure method.
The most reliable way is to buy a waterproof cast cover.
Do waterproof cast covers work?

A waterproof cast cover is a ready-made solution for adults and kids. It secures your cast from getting wet, is easy to apply, and gives more mobility compared to homemade cast protectors.
One of the PROS of the cast covers is they are easier and faster to use by yourself compared with the DIY homemade method with the wrap, tape, and bag
Where can I buy a waterproof cast cover?
Our days buying something is not a complicated thing. Only on Amazon, you can find whatever you need for your life situations. Cast covers are not an exception.
We made a research on what is the best waterproof cast covers and below you will find the list of our findings.
But first, we recommend watching this waterproof cast cover reviews video. Here are mentioned specific details you should pay attention to when choosing a waterproof cast protector.
Waterproof cast cover reviews: What to pay attention for
Best waterproof cast covers
#1 Best choice – Bloccs waterproof cast cover.
Bloccs cast covers are fully submergible and are made to use in the shower and bath. The manufacturer claims it has a 100% waterproof seal so it’s a great cast cover for swimming in the pool and not only.
Cast protector by Bloccs has a very compact size to take with you to travel.
How to cover a cast for swimming?
Swimming in a pool, lake, etc. is a much different situation than taking a short shower. Swimming involves complete immersion in water for a longer time, even if evidently.
According to ower research for this article, the best way to cover a cast for swimming is to use a waterproof cast cover.
The self-made cast protectors aren’t safe enough for this kind of activity.
Here is a cast cover by Bloccs where they show swimming in the pool wearing their cast protectors.
Bloccs waterproof cover for cast when swimming
#2 Leg cast protector Walgreens
#3 Waterproof Arm cast cover for shower
This arm cast cover for shower is a best seller on Amazon.
It comes with three cast covers in the pack which is a real advantage. Because despite the fact that the cast covers are reusable, it can come to a point where you will want or need to renew.
And it is obvious as you have to wear a cast for a month or more.
#4 Drypro cast cover
Drypro reviews for leg cast cover
Can you go swimming with a cast cover? Here is another real-life example shared with the Drypro cast protector.
How do I protect my arm cast in the rain?
It depends on how heavy is the rain and for how long you will stay on your way under the rain.
Also, it depends on what cast you have to hide from the rain – plaster or fiberglass.
If it’s about a short period under light rain, you may hide your cast under a raincoat or hide it inside your jacket. A big trash bag may also help in the situation. So think about it in advance to keep a trash bag in your backpack, car, etc. when you go out.
Another good way is to have always with you one of the lightweight silicon cast covers from the list above.
Can I take my cast off?
Remember to take off your cast only according to the doctor’s recommendations and with the help of hospital staff.