How Many Judo Throws Are There? Exploring the Art of Throwing
If you’ve ever witnessed a judo match or practiced the art yourself, you know that throwing techniques are at the core of this dynamic martial art. From explosive hip throws to agile foot sweeps, the repertoire of judo throws is both vast and diverse. In this blog article, we embark on a thrilling exploration of the art of throwing in judo, seeking to answer the question: How many judo throws are there?
Get ready to delve into the fascinating techniques, principles, and variations that make judo throws a spectacle of skill, timing, and technique.
Whether you’re a curious beginner or a seasoned practitioner, join us to unravel the nuances of this integral aspect of judo that will deepen your understanding and appreciation for the art of throwing in the world of judo.
What Are Throwing Techniques Called in Judo?
Throwing techniques are a crucial aspect of judo, and they are called “nage-waza” in Japanese (投げ技, “throwing techniques”).
Nage-waza are defined as the techniques used to throw or trip an opponent in judo. There are a variety of nage-waza techniques that can be used to gain an advantage over your opponent, ranging from basic throws to more advanced flips and techniques.
The basic judo throws include:
- hip throws
- shoulder throws
- foot sweeps
- and leg trips.
These judo moves utilize leverage and momentum to unbalance the opponent and throw them to the ground.
However, there are also more complex throwing techniques in judo such as sacrifice throws which involve sacrificing your own posture or balance in order to take down your opponent.

It’s important for a judoka (judo practitioner) to master all these different throwing techniques in order to be able to adapt their strategy based on their opponent’s style and strengths.
Are Judo Throws Easy?
Judo throws are not easy to execute, but with practice and persistence, anyone can become proficient in performing them.
Judo is a martial art that emphasizes the use of leverage and technique over brute strength, making it accessible to people of different sizes and physical abilities.
Although some judo throws may look simple at first glance, they require an understanding of body mechanics and precise timing.
For example, the seoi nage throw may seem like a straightforward movement of pulling your partner towards you, but it involves a complex series of steps that require coordination between your upper body and lower body.
Seoi Nage Basics:
Similarly, the O-goshi throw looks like a simple hip toss, but executing it correctly requires proper hip placement and an understanding of how to use your leg as leverage.
O-Goshi Basics:
It is essential to note that becoming proficient in judo throws takes time and effort. It is not uncommon for beginners to struggle with basic throws such as the O-goshi or Ippon seoi nage.
However, with consistent practice over time, these judo basic techniques will become second nature.
With continued practice and guidance from experienced instructors or coaches in the form of judo techniques videos or one-on-one training sessions, even more, complicated throws like uki goshi or harai goshi can be mastered.
Ultimately, mastering judo throws requires discipline and dedication to learning the proper technique.
By putting in the necessary effort and seeking guidance from experienced practitioners or resources such as online resources on throwing techniques in judo or detailed explanations on different types of judo techniques available through books or online courses, anyone can become proficient in executing these powerful moves effectively.
Does Judo Only Teach Throws?
Judo is known for its throwing techniques, but it does not only teach throws.
The sport also emphasizes the importance of ground techniques, joint locks, and chokes in order to immobilize or submit an opponent.
Although the focus of many judo matches is on throws, a well-rounded judoka must be proficient in all aspects of the sport.
That being said, throws are a fundamental part of judo and are often what people associate with the sport.
Learning basic judo throws is a crucial part of a beginner’s training and even advanced practitioners continue to perfect these techniques throughout their careers.
There are many basic judo throws that students learn when starting out such as:
- osoto-gari (major outer reap)
- seoi-nage (shoulder judo flip technique)
- and harai-goshi (sweeping hip throw).
These fundamental movements lay the foundation for more complex throwing techniques in later stages of training.
While there are many different types of throws in judo, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges, all judo throws share common principles such as proper balance, timing, and execution.
By mastering basic throwing techniques early on in their training, students can begin to build up their repertoire of skills and techniques which will serve them well as they progress into more advanced levels.
Ultimately though, it’s important to remember that while learning how to execute effective throws is a critical component of any successful judoka’s arsenal – it’s just one part of what makes someone skilled at this dynamic martial art!
How Many Throwing Techniques Are There in Judo?
Judo is a martial art that is known for its throwing techniques, and it’s no surprise that there are many throws to learn.
So, how many throwing techniques are there in judo?
Well, according to the Kodokan Judo Institute, there are a total of 68 official throws in judo. These throwing techniques can be divided into different categories based on the direction of the throw, such as forward throws or backward throws.
In addition, there are judo throws which are defined as unrecognized techniques and aren’t included in the official list. That is why you may find some judo throws lists that show more than 68 judo throw techniques.
Learning all 68 official throws may seem like a daunting task, but beginners shouldn’t worry too much about mastering them all right away.
In fact, even experienced judoka continue to work on perfecting their basic judo throws throughout their careers.
That being said, knowing and practicing all the basic judo throws is essential for anyone looking to improve their technique and become proficient in judo skills and techniques.
It’s also important to note that some advanced judoka focus on mastering just a few key throwing techniques in order to be more effective in competition or self-defense scenarios.
What Are the Different Types of Throw in Judo?
When it comes to judo, there are many different types of throws.
All of these throws involve using your opponent’s momentum and balance against them, so they can be quite effective when executed properly.
Some of the most common types of throws in judo include hip throws, hand throws, foot sweeps, and sacrifice throws.
Hip throws are one of the most basic judo throw techniques. These moves involve using your hips to flip your opponent over you and onto the ground.
Some examples of hip throws in judo include O Goshi (a major outer hip throw) and Harai Goshi (a sweeping hip throw).
Foot sweeps are another type of throwing technique used in judo.
As their name suggests, these moves involve sweeping out your opponent’s legs from under them while maintaining your own balance. Examples of foot sweeps in judo include Okuri Ashi Barai (a sliding foot sweep) and De Ashi Barai (a forward foot sweep).
Shoulder throws or hand throws require more upper-body strength than some other types of throwing techniques in judo. These moves involve using your shoulder to lift your opponent off the ground and then flipping them over you onto the mat.
Examples of shoulder throws in judo include Seoi Nage (a one-arm shoulder throw) and Morote Seoi Nage (a two-arm shoulder throw).
Sacrifice throws are a type of throwing technique that involves sacrificing your own balance in order to take down your opponent.
These moves can be quite risky if not executed properly but can also be very effective when done correctly. Examples of sacrifice throws in judo include Tomoe Nage (a circular throw) and Sumi Gaeshi (corner reversal).
Sumi Gaeshi Basics:
What is Waza in Judo?
In Judo, the term “waza” refers to a technique or skill.
This includes throwing techniques, as well as grappling and submission techniques.
How Many Waza Are There in Judo?
Waza can be further divided into “nage-waza,” which are throwing techniques, and “katame-waza,” which are grappling and submission techniques.
Learning waza in judo is a fundamental part of training. Beginners start with basic techniques such as the hip throw and shoulder throw.
As they progress, they move on to more advanced techniques such as the flying armbar or the double-leg takedown.
It’s important to remember that learning waza takes time and practice, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t pick up a technique right away.
One popular method for learning waza is through repetition drills. These drills involve practicing a single technique repeatedly until it becomes ingrained in muscle memory.
Another effective method for learning waza is through visualization, where you mentally practice the technique in your mind before physically performing it.
By combining these methods with hands-on training and coaching from experienced instructors, students can become proficient in all judo throws and other waza skills.
Of course, it’s important to note that not all of these throwing techniques in judo will be equally useful or applicable to every situation. Some may be better suited for certain body types or styles of fighting than others.
However, even knowing just a handful of basic judo throw names and mastering their execution can make a huge difference in your ability to dominate an opponent on the mat.
So if you’re interested in learning more about throwing techniques in judo or want to expand your repertoire beyond basic judo throw technique moves like osoto-gari or seoi-nage, there’s plenty of material out there to explore.
Judo Throws List: What Are Judo Throws Called?
The 68 official throws in judo according to the Kodokan Judo Institute are:
Hand throwing techniques – Te Waza
Te-waza (16 techniques) |
Seoi-nage |
Ippon-seoi-nage |
Seoi-otoshi |
Tai-otoshi |
Kata-guruma |
Sukui-nage |
Obi-otoshi |
Uki-otoshi |
Sumi-otoshi |
Yama-arashi |
Obi-tori-gaeshi |
Morote-gari |
Kuchiki-taoshi |
Kibisu-gaeshi |
Uchi-mata-sukashi |
Ko-uchi-gaeshi |
Hip throwing techniques – Koshi-waza
Koshi-waza (10 techniques) |
Uki-goshi |
O-goshi |
Koshi-guruma |
Tsurikomi-goshi |
Sode-tsurikomi-goshi |
Harai-goshi |
Tsuri-goshi |
Hane-goshi |
Utsuri-goshi |
Ushiro-goshi |
Foot throwing techniques – Ashi-waza
Ashi-waza (21 techniques) |
De-ashi-harai |
Hiza-guruma |
Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi |
O-soto-gari |
O-uchi-gari |
Ko-soto-gari |
Ko-uchi-gari |
Okuri-ashi-harai |
Uchi-mata |
Ko-soto-gake |
Ashi-guruma |
Harai-tsurikomi-ashi |
O-guruma |
O-soto-guruma |
O-soto-otoshi |
Tsubame-gaeshi |
O-soto-gaeshi |
O-uchi-gaeshi |
Hane-goshi-gaeshi |
Harai-goshi-gaeshi |
Uchi-mata-gaeshi |
Sacrifice techniques – Sutemi waza
Sutemi-waza (21 techniques) |
Tomoe-nage |
Sumi-gaeshi |
Hikikomi-gaeshi |
Tawara-gaeshi |
Ura-nage |
Yoko-otoshi |
Tani-otoshi |
Hane-makikomi |
Soto-makikomi |
Uchi-makikomi |
Uki-waza |
Yoko-wakare |
Yoko-guruma |
Yoko-gake |
Daki-wakare |
O-soto-makikomi |
Uchi-mata-makikomi |
Harai-makikomi |
Ko-uchi-makikomi |
Kani-basami |
Kawazu-gake |
What Are the Three Major Throws in Judo?
The three major throws in judo are the most fundamental techniques that every judoka should learn.
These throws require a lot of practice to perfect but once you master them, they can be executed with great speed and power. The first of the three is called “Ippon Seoi Nage” which translates to “one-armed shoulder throw”.
It involves grabbing your opponent’s lapel with one hand and their sleeve with the other hand, then twisting your body and pulling down on your opponent’s sleeve to throw them over your shoulder. This throw requires a lot of upper body strength but it is very effective if executed correctly.
The second big throw is called “O Goshi” which means “major hip throw”. This technique involves getting close to your opponent, placing one arm around their waist, and pulling them towards you while lifting them up off the ground using your hip.
This technique requires a lot of timing and coordination between both arms but it can be very powerful if done correctly.
There’s “Seoi Otoshi” which means “shoulder drop”.
This technique involves getting close to your opponent, grabbing their lapel with one hand, and then dropping down onto one knee while pushing forward with your other hand.
The idea is to use your own momentum as well as that of your opponent to take them down onto the mat.
This move requires good balance and quick reflexes but if you execute it well, it can be a very effective way of taking down an opponent who may be larger than you.
Overall, these big three moves are essential for any judoka looking to improve their skills in basic judo throws.
They may seem simple at first glance but they take years of practice to master so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get them right away! Keep practicing and before long you’ll be able to execute these basic judo techniques like a pro.
Is Ude Gaeshi Banned?
Ude Gaeshi, also known as the arm lock throw, is a controversial judo throw that has been added to the list of unrecognized techniques. This is because it can be a dangerous technique if not executed properly.
Ude Gaeshi is not the only one banned judo throw. Below is a demo of 2 throwing techniques in judo that are banned – due gaeshi and kubi nage.
Ude-gaeshi (Yoko wakare)
Kubi nage
Ude Gaeshi involves using the opponent’s arm to lift and throw them onto their back. However, if the throw is not executed correctly, there is a risk of hyperextending the opponent’s arm or causing injury.
Despite its potential dangers, Ude Gaeshi remains a popular technique in some judo circles.
It requires skill and precision to execute properly, and when done correctly, it can be a powerful move that catches opponents off guard.
However, it should only be attempted by experienced judokas who have mastered the basic judo throws and have developed an understanding of proper technique. It’s important to note that Ude Gaeshi is not completely banned from all competitions – its use may vary depending on the organization or tournament rules.
Nevertheless, it’s important for any judoka to understand the risks associated with this move before attempting it in competition or even during practice.
Overall, while Ude Gaeshi can be an effective addition to one’s repertoire of throwing techniques in judo, it should be used with caution and only after sufficient training and experience with the basic techniques of judo has been accomplished.
How Many Hip Throws Are There In Judo?
Hip throws, or Koshi-waza, are some of the most powerful and spectacular moves in Judo.
They involve using your hips to throw your opponent over your body.
There are many hip throws in judo, and they all require technique, power, and quick reflexes. One of the most popular hip throws in Judo is the O Goshi or “major hip throw”.
It is a basic judo throw that involves wrapping your arm around your opponent’s waist, lifting them onto your hip, and throwing them over. This technique is not only powerful but also elegant to watch.
Another popular hip throw is the Harai Goshi or “sweeping hip throw”. The Harai Goshi involves using your leg to sweep out one of your opponent’s legs while simultaneously throwing them over with your other leg.
It’s a great way to catch an opponent off guard and take them down quickly.
In addition to these basic techniques, there are many other judo throws that use similar principles but require more advanced skill levels.
These include the Koshi Guruma or “hip wheel”, which involves rotating your body while throwing; the Uki Goshi or “floating hip throw”, which requires a lot of balance and timing; and the Hane Goshi or “springing hip throw”, which uses momentum to launch an opponent into the air before throwing them down.
With all these different types of throws in judo, it’s clear that mastering this martial art takes dedication and practice!
Judo Throws Poster
If you’re serious about learning judo, then having a poster of all the basic judo throws is one of the best investments you could make.
It’s incredibly helpful in understanding the different types of throws in judo, their judo names, and how to execute them properly.
Judo throws poster typically displays all the basic judo throws in a simple visual manner along with their names and proper technique.
Having this visual aid can be especially helpful for beginners who are still trying to memorize all the different types of throwing techniques in judo. In addition to helping beginners learn basic judo throws, these posters can also be useful for more advanced practitioners who are looking to improve their technique or expand their repertoire of moves.
Judo is a complex and exciting martial art that has captivated people all over the world.
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced practitioner, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to basic judo throws, judo skills and techniques, and all the different throwing techniques in judo.
Throughout this article, we’ve discussed a variety of topics related to judo throws list, including what they’re called in the sport, how many there are (over 60!), and some of the most popular ones like the hip throw and Ude Gaeshi (which is currently banned).
If you’re interested in learning more about basic judo throw techniques or any other aspect of this dynamic martial art, there are plenty of resources available.
From online videos to instructional books to professional coaches who specialize in throwing techniques in judo, there’s no shortage of ways to deepen your knowledge and improve your skills. In short, whether you’re looking for a fun way to stay fit or you want to compete at a high level, basic judo offers something for everyone.
74 Judo Throws in 120 Seconds
So why not give it a try?
Who knows – with enough practice and determination, maybe one day you’ll be able to execute even the most challenging throws with ease and grace.