What Does a Kid Need for Boxing: The Ultimate Guide for Parents

Boxing is a sport that requires discipline, dedication, and hard work. It’s not just about throwing punches; it’s about learning the proper techniques and strategies to be successful in the ring.

For kids who are interested in this sport, there are many things to consider before they step into the ring.

In this article, we will discuss what a kid needs for boxing to help parents to deal with the question “How do I start my child in boxing and what does the kid need?”.

The Essentials for Junior Boxers

The Importance of Safety Gear

Boxing involves physical contact with another person, so it’s important for kids to have proper safety gear such as

  • gloves
  • headgear
  • mouthguard
  • and wraps.

Gloves protect the hands when punching while headgear protects against head injuries from punches. Mouthguards prevent dental damage or concussions and wraps stabilize the wrists and hands when boxing.

When selecting safety gear for your kid, ensure that it conforms to standard regulations for boxing equipment.

The right fit is essential too – loose-fitted equipment can shift around during training or sparring leading to incorrect placement or injury.

Proper Clothing Matters

What kids wear during their training sessions matters too.

They require shorts that give them enough leg movement range while t-shirts should be made of breathable fabrics to avoid overheating.

Shoes should be supportive but not heavy such as regular sneakers or shoes designed specifically for boxing workouts.

  • Loose clothing can get caught in training equipment like speed bags or jump ropes leading to falls or accidents.
  • Jewelry poses risks by getting caught on clothing material or getting misplaced during sessions — remind them always to remove watches, necklaces, and other metallic items.

For junior boxers looking forward to enjoying an excellent workout experience while minimizing injury risks – they must pay attention when selecting their accessories.

The Importance of Safety Kids Boxing Gear

Boxing is a physically demanding sport that requires discipline, focus, and skill.

However, it can also be dangerous and result in severe injuries if proper safety measures are not taken.

This is especially true for kids who are still developing their bodies and skills. Therefore, it is crucial to equip them with the right safety gear before they start boxing.

Boxing gloves for kids

The most important piece of safety gear for kids who box are gloves. Gloves protect the hands of the boxer when punching and reduce the risk of injury to both themselves and their sparring partner.

Gloves come in various sizes based on a child’s age, weight, and level of experience. It is essential to choose gloves that fit well as loose or tight gloves can cause discomfort or injury during training or competition.

What weight boxing gloves for kids to buy?

When buying boxing gloves for kids, it’s important to consider their weight and size. As a general rule, kids under 50 pounds should use 6-8-ounce gloves, while those between 50 and 100 pounds can use 10-ounce gloves.

For kids over 100 pounds, 12-ounce gloves are suitable. However, it’s always best to check with the child’s coach or instructor for specific recommendations based on their individual needs and skill level.

What boxing gloves are good for kids?

Look for gloves that are specifically designed for children and have features such as adjustable straps to ensure a secure fit.

Some popular options for kids include the Everlast Training Gloves, Venum Contender Kids Boxing Gloves, and Ringside Sparring Gloves for kids. Always prioritize safety and comfort when choosing gloves for your child’s boxing training.

Venum Contender Kids Boxing Gloves

Venum Boxing gloves for kids
Venum boxing gloves for kids

Ringside Sparring Gloves for Kids

Everlast Training Gloves 8 oz


Another essential piece of safety gear is headgear. Headgear helps protect the head from impact and reduces the risk of cuts or bruises during sparring sessions.

Different types of headgear are available based on their level of protection – some cover only the top portion while others offer full-face coverage including cheek protection – making it critical to choose one that fits properly.


Mouthguards are another necessary piece of equipment that protect teeth from damage during sparring sessions; they also help prevent concussions by reducing impact force on the jawbone when hit forcefully.

boxing Mouthguard kids
Boxing Mouthguard for kids

Hand wraps

Do kids need wraps for boxing gloves?

Yes, it is recommended for kids to wear hand wraps under their boxing gloves for added protection and support. Hand wraps help to secure the bones, joints, and ligaments in the hand, reducing the risk of injury while punching.

Hand wraps are an essential item that should never be skipped by any boxer regardless of age or experience level. They provide extra support to wrists when hitting punching bags or targets repeatedly.

They also absorb sweat, keeping the gloves clean and fresh. It is important to choose the right size and material for the hand wraps and to teach kids how to properly wrap their hands before putting on their gloves.

How long are kids boxing hand wraps?

The length of hand wraps for kids’ boxing gloves can vary depending on the size of the child’s hands and the type of wrapping technique used.

However, generally, kids’ hand wraps range from 108 to 120 inches in length. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek advice from a boxing coach or instructor for the proper length and technique for wrapping children’s hands.

boxing hand wraps for kids
Hayabusa boxing hand wraps for kids

Safety gear should never be overlooked when engaging in boxing activities, especially for kids who need extra care due to their growing bodies and developing skills. Investing in quality equipment will help mitigate potential risks while allowing young athletes to enjoy all aspects of this exciting sport safely.

Proper Clothing

The Importance of Proper Clothing for Boxing

When it comes to boxing, proper clothing is essential. The right clothing can help a child feel comfortable and move freely during training or competition.

Boxers typically wear shorts and t-shirts that are lightweight and breathable to help regulate body temperature during intense workouts. Wearing the right clothing can also help prevent injuries.

Boxing clothing set for kids – Shorts and shirt vest

boxing clothing for kids
Boxing clothing for kids

Loose clothing can get caught on equipment or during a sparring match, which could result in injury. Tight-fitting clothes can restrict movement and make it difficult for a child to execute proper form when throwing punches or moving around the ring.

Avoid Loose Clothing or Jewelry During Training or Sparring

Loose clothing or jewelry should be avoided during boxing training or sparring. Jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings can be hazardous because they may get caught on equipment or another person’s clothing during sparring.

Additionally, loose clothing such as baggy pants or oversized t-shirts may also pose a risk of getting tangled up in equipment, causing injury to the child wearing them. Baggy clothes may also make it difficult for trainers to see if a child is executing proper form when throwing punches.

Choosing the right clothes for boxing is crucial for safety and comfort while training and competing. Properly fitting garments made from breathable fabric that allows freedom of movement are ideal for young boxers, while loose-fitting clothes should be avoided at all costs due to safety concerns.

Training Equipment

Punching Bags

Punching bags are probably the most well-known and popular of all boxing training equipment. They come in various weights, shapes, and materials.

Heavy punching bags are great for building strength and endurance while speed bags are perfect for improving hand-eye coordination, rhythm, and timing. There are also double-end bags that simulate the movement of a real opponent.

The benefits of using punching bags are numerous. They help a child develop good punching technique by providing a target to aim for.

They also build endurance and improve overall fitness as children can use them for cardio workouts as well. In addition, utilizing different types of punching bags allows children to work on different aspects of their game depending on their individual needs or goals.

Speed Bags

Speed bags or speedballs are small, air-filled balls attached to a platform via a swivel. They require rapid-fire punches that quickly hit the bag back toward the user’s face. Speedball training helps children develop fast hands and improves their rhythm, timing, and accuracy.

Speed ball training can be used as part of a warm-up routine before boxing or can be incorporated into other drills such as shadowboxing or footwork drills. One great benefit is that they don’t take up much space so they can be easily set up at home if your child wants to practice outside the gym.

Speed Bag kids
Boxing Speed Bag for kids

Jump Ropes

Jump ropes might not seem like traditional boxing equipment but they are essential for developing footwork, balance, coordination, rhythm, and conditioning in young boxers. Jump rope exercises help with agility which is important when evading punches or moving around an opponent in the ring. Jump ropes come in different lengths depending on your child’s height but make sure it’s not too short so your little one doesn’t trip over it while jumping!

It may take some time to get used to, but once they do, they will find it a fun and valuable tool in their training regimen. The beauty of jump ropes is that they can be used anywhere and kids can do it on their own or with their friends.

Nutrition: Fueling Young Boxers

It’s no secret that nutrition plays a crucial role in any physical activity, especially one as intense as boxing. As a parent or coach of a young boxer, it’s important to ensure they are getting the right nutrients to fuel their body for both training and competition.

Proper nutrition can help with recovery, stamina, and overall performance. One of the most important things in a young boxer’s diet is hydration.

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help prevent fatigue and cramping during training or competition. In addition to water, young boxers should drink sports drinks that contain electrolytes to replenish the sodium lost through sweat.

Electrolytes for Kids and Adults

Another key nutrient for young boxers is protein which helps build and repair muscle tissue after workouts. Good sources of protein include lean meats such as chicken or turkey, fish, eggs, and beans.

In terms of carbohydrates, young boxers should focus on complex carbs that provide long-lasting energy such as whole grain breads and pasta, brown rice, and fruits like bananas or apples.

It’s important to avoid simple sugars found in candy or soda which can lead to crashes in energy levels during training or competition.

Healthy fats such as those found in nuts and avocado can help with brain function and overall endurance during bouts. By providing young boxers with a well-rounded diet filled with these essential nutrients they will be well on their way to success in the ring!

Mental Preparation

The Importance of Mental Preparation

Boxing isn’t just about physical strength and technique. Mental toughness is just as important, if not more so, than physical ability.

It’s essential for a young boxer to have a strong mindset to succeed in the ring. If a child enters the ring with a negative attitude or doubts their abilities, it can greatly affect their performance.

They may hesitate or be too afraid to take risks during the match, which could lead to missed opportunities or worse – being knocked out by their opponent. Mental preparation is key to ensuring your child has confidence and focus during training and competitions.

Tips for Mentally Preparing Your Child

There are several ways you can help your child mentally prepare for boxing. One important approach is visualization – encourage your child to visualize themselves succeeding in a match, using positive imagery and self-talk. This helps develop a positive mindset, self-confidence and reduces anxiety.

boxing for kids at home

Another way is setting goals – have your child set realistic goals while training that they would like to achieve in competitions or sparring matches. This gives them something specific and attainable that they can work towards – providing motivation and increasing commitment levels.

Teach them how to stay calm under pressure – remind them that boxing is not just about physical strength but also mental toughness as well so they need to stay focused on the task at hand rather than getting caught up in distractions around them such as crowd noise or heckling from spectators.

By helping your child develop strong mental skills alongside their physical ones – you’re giving them an edge in the ring that will help lead towards long-term success.


Boxing can be a great sport for kids who are looking to improve their physical health and mental focus. However, it is important to ensure that children have the right equipment and training in order to participate safely. First and foremost, safety gear is crucial when it comes to boxing.

A child should always wear gloves, headgear, a mouthguard, and wraps in order to protect against injury. Additionally, proper clothing such as shorts, t-shirts, and shoes is necessary for comfort and mobility during training.

When it comes to equipment for boxing training, there are many options available for kids. Punching bags can help improve punching technique while speed bags can help with hand-eye coordination.

Jump ropes can also be a helpful tool for improving footwork and endurance. Proper nutrition is also key when it comes to participating in any sport.

Kids who are involved in boxing should eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates in order to fuel their bodies properly. Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation when it comes to boxing.

Parents or coaches should work with kids on techniques such as visualization or relaxation exercises that can help them stay focused during training sessions or competitions. Overall, with the proper equipment and training regimen in place, kids can enjoy all the benefits of this fun and challenging sport while staying safe at the same time.

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